

The 院校检讨委员会 ("IRB") consists of two groups, the 人类被试 Committee (HSC) and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The IRB reviews all proposed research conducted by Mount Union faculty, 学生, 或员工, 无论资金来源如何, to ensure that the safety and welfare of the research subjects. All human subjects research requires review and approval by the IRB prior to subject recruitment and data collection and prior to the use of extant data or private information.

For a more detailed explanation of the role and the responsibilities of the IRB, please refer to the 下面的文档.

这取决于你具体的研究类型, please refer to either the 人类被试 or 动物主题 sections below.


The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is responsible for the ethical care and use of all non-human vertebrate animals for research and instructional purposes. All individuals wishing to conduct research or any faculty member who intends to use vertebrate animals for teaching purposes should submit an 动物使用IRB申请.


  1. 什么时候需要IRB审查?

    All individuals conducting research using human subjects are required to submit an IRB应用程序 for review.


    • 自然研究
    • 涉及人类受试者
    • include any interaction, intervention, or access to identifiable private information
  2. 什么时候不需要IRB审查?


    • data collected for internal departmental or administrative purposes
    • training activities unless it is conducted for research purposes
    • activities designed solely for quality improvement or evaluation of a program, course, etc.

    Classroom student research also may be exempt from formal IRB review.

    Student research projects that meet all the following conditions may be conducted under the supervision of the faculty member without submitting an application to the IRB. Projects that do not meet all these conditions must be submitted to the IRB for review.

    The project must meet the definition of classroom research/student research. 这被定义为一个项目:

    • 是学生课程作业的一部分吗
    • 是由教员监督的吗
    • has as its primary purpose the development of the student's research skills
    • does not present more than minimal risk to participants or to the student investigator
    • does not include any persons as research subjects under the age of 18
    • does not include any persons as research subjects who are classified as protected populations or sensitive subjects according to federal regulations
    • is not genuine research and will not result in a degree culminating product (e.g., thesis, dissertation), publication, or some other form of public dissemination (e.g., presentation at conferences including the undergraduate/graduate scholars forum)
    • does not involve sensitive, personal, or incriminating topics
  3. 申请及覆核程序

    Please follow the application process in the sequence that is presented below. The final step in the sequence is submitting the online application. Because the online site will not allow you to save your progress and return to complete it at a later time, we strongly encourage you to download the Word document version of the application, 首先彻底完成该文档中的所有字段, and then copy and paste them into the online application for submission.

    • 所有IRB申请人必须参加 人类受试者保证培训. 第一次使用的用户可以参考这个 “指南” document for further instructions on registering on to the CITI Program site. 完成IRB在线申请时, you will be asked to provide proof of completion of this training. If you are conducting research in a group, all group members must complete the training.
    • IRB应用程序 (Word document): The online site does not allow you to save your progress and return to complete the application at a later time. Please download the Word document version of the application, 首先彻底完成该文档中的所有字段, and then copy and paste then into the online application for submission.
    • 完成 知情同意书及汇报表格 并根据您的学习情况进行定制. You will be asked to attach it to your online IRB应用程序.

    税务局电子(网上)申请: make sure all the previous steps are completed before you begin the online application.

    All applications are reviewed on a rolling basis as they are received. 充分考虑, the committee requires two weeks to review materials prior to the monthly meeting.