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自然中心有许多设施,旨在提高游客和学生的体验. The Dr. John D. 布伦博游客中心(1991)包括自然历史展览, a classroom, restrooms, and access to the Bird Observatory. 鸟类天文台(2001年)全年提供观赏鸟类和资源,以更好地欣赏它们. 科赫环境学习中心(2002年)被添加到游客中心,提供教室, laboratory, library, and an office for the naturalist. 游客中心最近增加的是一个多功能展馆(2016年). An operations building (1989), 银行谷仓(19世纪60年代)和教育花园(2004年)也用于支持我们的使命. Altogether, 这些设施为游客和学生提供了许多享受和了解自然的机会.

自然中心设施不供公众租用. 设施只供自然中心及威尼斯人app下载活动使用. The Facility Use Policy describes facility use and priority. To reserve a facility, please fill out the Facilities Request Form.

Visitors Center and Bird Observatory

The Dr. John D. 布伦博游客中心包括自然历史展览, a classroom, restrooms, and access to the Bird Observatory. 大多数项目、讲座和研讨会都在游客中心举行. 到大厅的咨询台索取自然中心的路线地图和时事通讯的纸质副本, view program and event information, and register for programs and events in person.

观鸟台全年提供观鸟服务, and resources to better appreciate them, in a quiet and comfortable setting. The Visitors Center is open all year.


  • Tuesday through Friday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Sunday: 1 - 5 p.m.
  • Closed: Monday and Saturday


  • Tuesday through Friday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday: 1 - 5 p.m.
  • Closed: Monday