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Digital Composing Resources


The DWOC Studio makes available video and audio equipment to the Mount Union community. Most hardware is released for three days at a time and can be renewed with special permission from the director.


These easy-to-use digital still and video cameras come with a small tripod to help keep your video steady. 当你需要拍摄课堂演示时,这些相机是理想的选择, 当你想在一个安静的环境中面试某人时, or for capturing still images. 这些相机可以制作MP4视频,不需要转换文件格式! You must provide your own SD card.

Sony Digital Camera How-to Video


Our Canon camcorders offer better on-board microphones and higher quality images than our point-and-shoot cameras, as well as a full-sized tripod. Checking out a camcorder is a good choice when you are planning to film under noisy conditions. This camera includes built-in recording features like filters and the ability to film slow-motion shots. You must provide your own SD card.


Zoom H4n Digital Field Recorders

The Zoom recorders allow you the freedom to record professional-quality sound in many situations such as at a concert, 在面试中,使用连接到笔记本电脑的麦克风是不切实际的, 或者当你想捕捉户外声音时. The Zooms can be used to record high-quality sound that can later be synced with a video or other media. 每个Zoom配有两组可充电电池, a windscreen, 和一个迷你三脚架,以减少操作噪音. You must provide your own SD card — Be sure to back up your files BEFORE using an SD in a Zoom, 因为光盘在用于录音之前必须进行格式化(擦除).

Zoom H4n How-to Video

Snowball Blue iCE Microphone

雪球麦克风在播客中很受欢迎, livestreamers, voice actors and those who just need to record high-quality voiceover narration for a video project. 这款麦克风通过USB线直接插入笔记本电脑. 只需在计算机设置中启用麦克风,您就可以录制了.



The DWOC Studio supports the Mount Union community in the creation of digital, multimodal projects. 打算在网上发表的写作是令人兴奋的, but it poses challenges different from those you will face when writing a traditional term paper. It’s important to understand the difference between copyright (a violation of law) and plagiarism (a violation of ethics), 并理解合理使用的界限, especially if you will post your work online where copyright holders may find it and challenge the use of their work in your published piece.

Copyright, Copyleft, and Fair Use

This Hoonuit module, 学生和威尼斯人app下载可以订阅, takes you through just about everything you need to know about copyright and how it is likely to affect you as a student creating works to be shared in class, online, and on social media.


This infographic, 由研究图书馆员协会出版, 在上面的胡诺特模块中有涉及. It demonstrates just how much college students rely on fair use in their academic and personal lives and is a brief guide to how fair use works.


需要更多关于合理使用的最新指导? Check out this website maintained by the Association of Research Librarians and its partners and find out what’s new in the world of fair use and fair dealing.

The Public Domain  

什么是公共领域? Depending on the country of a work’s origin, the definition of “public domain” may differ. 1923年以前在美国创作的作品属于公有领域, 这意味着创作者的版权已经过期.  Check out the Public Domain resource in Stanford University Library’s Copyright and Fair Use Guide, 找出哪些属于公共领域,哪些不属于公共领域.

Assets for Digital Composing

需要一些背景音乐的视频项目? 你可以用图片让你的ppt或网站看起来令人惊叹吗? While nothing published except materials that are in the public domain can be said to be “copyright free” and therefore free for you to use in any way that you wish, 大量的资产(图像), sounds, music, etc.) are available through databases and search engines online that are licensed for you to use in a variety of ways.

免责声明:如果你在网上或其他地方发表你完成的作品, 做研究并找出答案是很重要的:

  1. 你对材料的使用是否构成合理使用
  2. 资产是否实际上处于公共领域
  3. Whether it has been appropriately licensed for your intended use by the actual creator

In other words, don’t assume that because you found a piece in a database of public domain images or just because a website states that a piece is licenced for unrestricted use that it actually is safe to use. When you publish, it is your responsibility to do further research to find out if you are really “all clear” to use a piece in your own creative work.

Public Domain Resources

Public Domain Sherpa

This site is owned by a copyright attorney and contains much information on the concept of the public domain as well as dozens of collections and databases of material from publishers ranging from the Agricultural Research Service to NASA.

Washington State University Marketing and Communications’ List Public Domain Resources

这个有用的数据库列表将帮助你找到书, images, photographs, videos, 以及在公共领域的乐谱. Again, use caution. Find out if what you want to use is actually in the public domain if you plan to publish.


The British Library’s Flickr account contains millions of images that fall into the public domain, many of them from the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. If you are looking for an unusual, striking historical image, this may be a good place to start.

Licenced Material

Creative Commons (CC)

关于CC是什么以及它的作用有很多误解. It is NOT true that anything you find using CC is free for you to use any way you like. Instead, CC provides licensing labels that clearly state what rights creators have reserved for their work. Some creators reserve all rights, meaning that they want to project to the world that they do not wish for others to use their work unless their permission is sought and obtained. Some creators reserve some rights, 比如,当他们的作品被使用时,他们想要得到认可, 或禁止将其作品用于商业用途. 还有一些人将他们的作品转让给公共领域, reserving no rights, 并且允许任何人以他们选择的任何方式使用他们的作品. 了解有关如何阅读CC许可的更多信息 and then check out their new beta search engine. 新的搜索引擎使创建归属变得容易. 在这里了解有关如何赋予CC材料属性的更多信息.

CC List of Sites for Music

寻找获得许可用于视频的音乐, podcasts, 其他数字项目可能会很艰难. Using too much of a song can result in a take down notice or legal action by musicians or publishers if they have reserved all of their rights. This site gives you information on how to find music licensed appropriately for your needs.


来自巴塞罗那庞培法布拉大学音乐技术小组, Spain, Freesound是一个“音频片段”的集合, samples, recordings, bleeps” that have all been released under Creative Commons licenses to allow their reuse. 学习如何正确地赋予声音属性 before you use them.

The Sonic Dictionary

The Sonic Dictionary, 这是杜克大学和其他几所大学的合作, allows you to search sounds from A-Z and use them in your projects with appropriate attribution.

Other Digital Composing Resources

Web Writing Style Guide

This open source textbook will help you understand how to write in different online contexts, from laying out a website and writing copy to optimizing your content so that search engines can find it and suggest it to searchers.