

The sport business major is designed for students interested in joining the growing field of sport managers, 董事, 启动子, 营销人员和管理人员. A demand for well-trained individuals in sport related fields creates possible employment with professional sport teams, 大专院校, 私人俱乐部, 政府机构, 城市娱乐部门和Y.M.C.A.


  1. spb100 -体育商业入门

    An investigation of the principles of the sport and recreation business. 4学时. (通常提供秋季和春季学期)

  2. spb200 -体育及活动场地管理

    Planning and organizing sport and recreation events. Included will be facility management and legal considerations. 前提条件:spb100 or permission of instructor. 4学时. (通常提供秋季和春季学期)

  3. SPB 210 - Analytics, Business Intelligence and New Media in Sport

    This course explores basic concepts and the role analytics, business intelligence and new media play in sport. 在整个课程中, discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data are reviewed and applied to improve sport business performance. The course also explores the evolution of digital media technologies and their impact in sport business and considers tools to measure engagement and activity. 前提条件:spb100 or permission of instructor. (提供秋季和春季学期). 4学时.

  4. spb230 -体育销售入门

    Sport businesses succeed based upon their ability to generate revenue. 主要关注门票销售, this course examines the importance of sales to a sport organization, introduces the steps and strategies of the sales process, and looks at the legitimacy of sales as a career path. 前提条件:spb100 or permission of instructor. 4学时. (通常提供秋季和春季学期)

  5. spb290 -体育商业实习I

    体育商业 majors must complete two practicums in two separate courses. A minimum of 60 work hours is required for the one semester hour practicum credit. Prerequisites: SPB 100 or permission of the instructor. 1学时.

  6. SPB 330 - Public Relations and Marketing of Sport

    角色概述, theory and application of public relations strategies and techniques in the sport industry. Also considered is the application of marketing theory and sponsorship to the sport business. 本课程提供产品知识, 价格, 促销活动, place and 分布 in a defined market segment. Prerequisites: SPB 100, SPB 210, and MKT 220 or permission of the instructor. 4学时. (通常提供秋季和春季学期)

  7. spb390 -体育商业实习II

    体育商业 majors must complete two practicums in two separate courses. A minimum of 60 work hours is required for the one semester hour practicum credit. 前提条件:spb100和spb290. (offered fall and spring semester) 1学时.

  8. SPB 410 - Finance and Economics of Sport and Recreation

    Understanding the factors and ramifications of financial issues with respect to sport and recreation. 讨论的将是经济原则, 财务资源管理, 经济影响分析, 体育场融资和拨款获取. 前提条件:spb100, SPB 200, SPB 210, SPB 230, ACC 205 and junior/senior standing OR permission of the instructor. 4学时. (通常提供秋季和春季学期)

  9. SPB 450 - International 体育商业 and 政府

    Attention is focused upon sport business that crosses country borders. Aspects of the course will sensitize the student to the cultural and political nature of sport. Regional and global sport associations will be explained and discussed. Prerequisites: SPB 100, SPB 200, SPB 330 or permission of instructor. 4学时. (通常提供秋季和春季学期)

  10. BUS 130 - Legal Environment in Business (extra-departmental)

    This course introduces the legal environment of business. Major topics broadly covered in the course include business environment laws and ethics, 侵权行为, 产品责任, 合同, 知识产权, 商业组织, 可转让票据, 以及雇佣法. 2学时.

  11. MKT 220 - Marketing Principles (extra-departmental)

    This course provides an introduction to marketing theory and its application by examining marketing decisions involving pricing, 产品和服务, 分布, 和推广. Also examined are the respective roles of market research and consumer behavior as they relate to marketing management. Prerequisite: BUS 100 or SPB 100 or permission of the instructor. 4学时. (通常提供秋季和春季学期)

  12. ACC 205 - Financial Accounting (extra-departmental)

    Study of the accounting cycle and generally accepted accounting principles including the preparation and analysis of financial statements. 通常提供秋季和春季学期. 4学时


  1. spb100 -体育商业入门

    An investigation of the principles of the sport and recreation business. 4学时. (通常提供秋季和春季学期)

  2. spb200 -体育及活动场地管理

    Planning and organizing sport and recreation events. Included will be facility management and legal considerations. 前提条件:spb100 or permission of instructor. 4学时. (通常提供秋季和春季学期)

  3. spb230 -体育销售入门

    Sport businesses succeed based upon their ability to generate revenue. 主要关注门票销售, this course examines the importance of sales to a sport organization, introduces the steps and strategies of the sales process, and looks at the legitimacy of sales as a career path. 前提条件:spb100 or permission of instructor. 4学时. (通常提供秋季和春季学期)

  4. SPB选修


    • SPB 199体育商业专题
    • spb275体育新闻
    • spb305旅游研讨会
    • spb320康乐管理
    • SPB 370 Intercollegiate Athletic 政府
    • spb380体育创业
    • spb399体育商业专题 
    • SBP 400独立研究
    • spb430高级运动销售
    • SPB 494荣誉项目
    • spb499体育商业实习