玩厌了的Cindric computer Science
玩厌了的Cindric computer Science


Associate Professor and Chair, 计算机科学

Mount Union has much better computing facilities than other private schools our size. The administration has maintained a commitment to keep our computer labs up to date with equipment and software that allows us to offer course content that applies directly to practices and skills used in the real world.


B.S., 计算机科学 and Accounting, Westminster College
M.S., 计算机科学, Pennsylvania State University


I was always fascinated with computers growing up; our high school actually had a programmable calculator that a friend and I would work on in our spare time. I liked computing so much that I decided to earn a double-major in accounting and computer science, but computing was my favorite subject, and that’s what I pursued in graduate school.


The way to learn problem solving is to solve lots of problems of various types. The student who does nothing between the end of one class session and the start of the next one will not succeed in computing courses. I attempt to model good practice in problem solving during class sessions so that students have an example of how to solve the problems assigned.


I love teaching and working with students to develop problem-solving skills and the fundamental concepts involved with computing. Helping my students achieve success gives me a great deal of joy and professional satisfaction.


I like Chapman Hall for its history, Bracy Hall for its classroom space and the big aquarium and the Kolenbrander-Harter Information Center (KHIC) for the outstanding 图书馆 and computing facilities.


Mount Union has much better computing facilities than other private schools of our size. The administration has maintained a commitment to keep our computer labs up to date with equipment and software that allows us to offer course content that applies directly to practices and skills used in the real world.


Our preparation of all students is a major reason our graduates are often hired before graduates of large state schools. Our students have the ability to communicate and work with people, not just sit in a cubicle and program a computer all day. We survey employers to discover the skills they most desire in newly-hired employees and use that information to tailor our programs to be relevant to today’s employment scene.