

At the Mount Union大学 邮件中心, we pick up incoming U.S. Postal mail and packages every morning Monday through Friday, 并接收联合包裹的包裹, 亚马逊, 美联储前任, Lasership, 和DHL快递. We sort, process, and deliver mail and packages daily, Monday through Friday. We also have a mailbox located by the campus mailboxes for outgoing mail that is emptied daily Monday through Friday. Any outgoing packages will need to be brought to the 邮件中心.

Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday; 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 在学年和8月.m. - 4 p.m. 在夏天. 学校放假的时候,我们不上课.


  • 学生邮箱

    学生信箱在胡佛-普莱斯校园中心. All undergraduate students are assigned a secured mailbox free of charge that they will retain until graduation. U.S. mail is sorted and put into the student’s campus mailbox once a day Monday through Friday.

  • 地址邮件和/或包裹校园投递

    Incoming mail addressed to the University must include the correct name and campus mailbox. U.S. 收到的邮件或包裹名称不正确, or a vague or incorrect address (including missing a campus mailbox number) could result in a delay of your mail or have your mail returned to the sender as “Undeliverable as Addressed”. It is very important to notify people who send you mail of your correct address.


    Mount Union大学
    联盟,OH 44601-3929

  • 包裹通知及取件程序

    当我们收到包裹时,我们会对其进行分类和扫描. Our state-of-the-art smart lockers will supplement package pick-up from the 邮件中心 and provide a convenient and contactless package delivery option to accommodate student schedules. The purple smart lockers are located at The Hoover-Price Campus Center and are accessible during Hoover-Price Campus Center hours. We will assign packages to the purple smart lockers on a first-come first-served basis. 等储物柜装满了, any remaining packages will be assigned to the shelves at the 邮件中心 for pick up. You will receive an 电子邮件 from UMU to indicate where to pick up your package. 如果您是从邮件中心取包裹, be sure to bring your purple plus card for identification.


    学生注意:来自供应商的电子邮件(亚马逊,联合包裹等).) stating the package has been delivered, does not mean it is ready to be picked up. 让你的体验尽可能高效, please wait to receive an 电子邮件 confirmation from the 邮件中心 that indicates that your package has been processed and instructions for pick up.

  • 紫色包裹寄存柜

    If your package has been assigned to the purple smart lockers, 您将收到一封包含QR码的电子邮件. 到售货亭去, 位于胡佛-普莱斯校园中心, 点击“取包”按钮, 并扫描屏幕下方的二维码. The locker door will open for you to retrieve your package. Make sure to watch for multiple doors if you have multiple packages. 完成后请关门.


  • 邮件发送

    All Staff and Faculty mail and packages will be delivered to their department’s mailroom or designated area.

    Each department is provided with a mail bag which is used by the mail center to transport letters, 公寓, and small packages from the mail center to each department and from each department back to the mail center. 邮件中心接收来自美国的邮件和包裹.S. 邮政服务每日上午(星期一).星期五.) then sorts it by department and delivers via the mail bag to each department on campus. While delivering the daily mail bags, we will pick up each department's outgoing mail and packages.

    Please place outgoing mail and packages into the provided mail bag and include the postage request form on all mail that requires postage.

    包裹是从亚马逊收到的, 联合包裹, and FedEx throughout the day and will be delivered in the afternoon of the day it arrives (Mon.星期五.).

  • 邮件申请表格

    form can be found on 掠袭者的经验, on the University Forms tile, under 邮件中心.

  • 发文

    Our postage meter machine will apply postage to outgoing letters, 公寓, and packages. 它还可以密封信件.

    Please have the flaps down and all mail facing the same direction, whether it is sealed or not.

    Our mail service courier will pick up our outgoing mail on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2 p.m.

  • 大部分的邮件

    大量邮寄可以通过我们的代理供应商安排. 对于这项服务, there must be a minimum of 200 pieces of marketing mail or 500 of first class mail all of which must be identical in weight, 维, 和内容. Special requirements apply, please contact the mail center for more information at mailroom@creativasv.net or (330) 829-6654.

  • 即将离任的包

    我们可以通过美国邮政和联邦快递运送包裹. 就像邮件一样,请附上邮资要求 form. All outgoing packages will receive a tracking number that enables you to track your package.

    Prepaid returns may also be handled for the USPS, 联合包裹 and FedEx pick up. Place them with your departments outgoing mail and we will pick them up.

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