
Dr. 杰米Capuzza, 85年

Professor, Literature and Communication 艺术

在我看来, the most important quality a person needs to be successful in life is to be highly adaptive.


B.A., Communication and English, Mount Union College
M.A., Rhetorical Theory and Criticism, The Ohio State University
Ph.D., Rhetorical Theory and Criticism, The Ohio State University




Distingushed Scholarship Award (2019)

课程: Communication, Gender and Sexuality Studies


It was after I graduated from college that I finally realized what I wanted to do with my life: be a college professor. 具有讽刺意味的是, the answer I had been searching for so long was literally staring me in the face the last four years. Every time a student I’ve had for class graduates, I consider that a proud professional accomplishment. After 20 years of college teaching, that is a lot to be proud of.


I’ve taught in Spain, Italy, Germany, India, Mexico, Cuba, and China (twice). I’m proud to bring those experiences and new knowledge into the classroom.


I think my students are engaged because I model what it means to be an engaged learner – intellectually curious, 热情且准备充分. I also think they are engaged learners because they know I am genuinely interested in them and their success.


我喜欢所有的图书馆. 我真是个书呆子! But sometimes I’ll stand in the middle of the 图书馆 and close my eyes for a minute contemplating all the work that went into creating and archiving all that human knowledge over so many years. Libraries are inspiring and humbling places.


在我看来, the most important quality a person needs to be successful in life is to be highly adaptive. Because a broad liberal arts degree prepares you for all of life’s varied experiences, graduates can be ready for anything and everything the future holds.

Capuzza, J. C. (2023) The Fifth Star: Ohio's Fight for 女性's Right to Vote. Kent OH:  Kent State University Press.

L·斯宾塞 & Capuzza J. (Eds.). (2015). Transgender communication studies:  Histories, trends, and trajectories. 兰哈姆,医学博士:列克星敦图书公司.



Capuzza J.C. (2021)和Daily, T. We March On: Voices from the 女性's March on Washington女性 & 语言杂志. 43 (2). 

Capuzza J. C. & O’rourke,年代. P. (2021) “Rhetoric and Peace Studies,” Engaging the Humanities in 教育 for Peace. 妮可·约翰逊(编辑). Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing.

Capuzza J.C.斯宾塞,L.台球,T. J., Booth, T.亨氏,M.琼斯,S. 米勒,L。.  (2020). 传播教育:  异口同声的声音. 酷儿交际教学法. Ahmet Atay and Sandy Pensoneau-Conway (Eds.). NY: Routledge.  

Capuzza J. C. (2020). “‘T’ is for ‘transgender’: An analysis of children’s picture books featuring transgender protagonists and narrators," 儿童与媒体杂志, 14 (2) 

Capuzza J. C. (2019).  跨性别者的生活.S. 新闻媒体.  性别、新闻与权力. Cindy Carter, Linda Steiner and Stuart Allan (Eds.). NY: 劳特利奇. 

Capuzza J. C. (2019). Meta-sexist discourse and affective polarization in the 2016 US presidential campaign. Affect, Emotion, and Rhetorical Persuasion in Mass Communication. 张磊、卡尔顿·克拉克主编.). 纽约:劳特利奇. 

Capuzza J. C. (2016). Improvements still needed for transgender coverage. 报纸 研究杂志, 37(1), 82-94. doi: 10.1177/0739532916634642

L·斯宾塞. & Capuzza J. (2016). Centering gender identity and transgender lives in instructional communication research, 传播教育,65 (1): 113 – 117. doi: 10.1080/03634523.2015.1096949

Capuzza J. C. & L·斯宾塞. (2016). Regressing, progressing, or transgressing on the small screen? U上的跨性别角色.S. 有剧本的电视剧. 沟通的季度. 1 – 17. doi: 10.1080/01463373.2016.1221438