

Special 教育 Teacher, Leadville, CO

作为老师, we are always looking to grow professionally, and Mount Union's coursework was the perfect balance of professional development hours and graduate credits.






Attending the Mount Union大学 for undergrad was one of the best decisions I have made, both professionally and personally. UMU propelled me to be confident in my profession and I knew attending for graduate school would set me ahead once again.



Mount Union's flexible classes and achievable workload set its educational leadership 程序 apart from other 程序s. The structure is successful for full time teachers and set me up for success by incorporating my course work with my school's needs and tasks in real time. I would recommend this 程序 to all of my teacher friends. 作为老师, we are always looking to grow professionally, and Mount Union's coursework was the perfect balance of professional development hours and graduate credits.



Through UMU's internship project I had the opportunity to create a new Sensory Room for Lake County Intermediate School. Through these additional resources, all students and staff will have a safe space to practice self-regulation strategies to best support academic success. I have become more confident in my leadership style and more knowledgeable around administration policies through Mount Union's leadership course work. I have had the opportunity to practice leadership skills and learn about my own strengths and challenges.



One of the most successful strategies I have created for remote learning, is online office hours through Google Hangout Meet. This platform allows students to reach me visually as they are working through their work via video. We can share our screen to best support the needs of students at home and touch base with families. In addition to supporting students with work, providing social/emotional check-ins for my students have become vital during this time. Not only are students overwhelmed by the sudden change, students who regularly struggle with self-regulation are finding an increase need for social/emotional support. Some of these distance learning resources include daily emotional journals, social scavenger hunts and at home breathing techniques.