迈克尔Kachilla EABA Entrepreneurial Initiatives Studies
迈克尔Kachilla EABA Entrepreneurial Initiatives Studies


Associate Professor of 管理 and Director of Entrepreneurial Initiatives Studies

I believe we are unique in the student who is attracted to Mount Union and the faculty who work to develop a personal approach to helping each student succeed.


B.A., The Ohio State University
Command and Staff College, Marine Corps University
School of Advanced Warfighting, Marine Corps University


I have worked with young people for my entire career; this is an extension of this desire to work with young people. I love to see people accomplish their goals and dreams.


My proudest professional accomplishment would have to be starting a business and seeing it grow from a $2,000 loss in its second year to $2,000 in the black the following year and growing it every year after that until I closed it.


I try to establish an environment where students feel they can succeed. I continually use life examples so students can relate the academic concept to a business application. Finally, all homework assignments act as steps to learn the major concepts. My coursework is based upon activities that reinforce the concepts.


My major research is on the effect of generational differences on the workforce. 目前, we have four generations in the workforce and each generation is different because of the events and the environment that exists where they are growing up. Employers must understand the reasons for the differences and adjust their motivational techniques to ensure maximum performance from employees.


Seeing the students as they develop over a period of time, whether it is from one semester to the next or from one year to the next


I believe we are unique in the student who is attracted to Mount Union and the faculty who work to develop a personal approach to helping each student succeed.


Mount Union prepares students in various ways: the faculty has great experience outside of the educational world, the various courses deal with understanding what work is available after college and emphasis is given to experiential education, primarily through internships and practicums.