
Tennille Jones-Lewis ' 99


Interacting and connecting with young people and families has always been the best part of my job.


B.S. 心理学



First-generation College Student

As a first-generation college student I had not had a tremendous amount of exposure to many institutions of higher education. Mount Union took great interest in me through the Powers Trust Program and introduced me to possibilities that I did not know existed. Because of my experience at Mount Union, my life and those near to me have been changed and I will be forever grateful. Upon graduating from Mount Union, I attended Kent State University, where I earned my Master’s in Professional School Counseling and an 教育al Specialist Degree in counseling. My career is ever-evolving, and the educational tools that Mount Union equipped me with allow me to easily adjust.

Favorite Memory at Mount Union

I love Mount Union because it has equipped me with skills to be a life long learner, to be open to the perspective of others and to build genuine relationships with people. I stay connected with Mount via 电子邮件 communication and homecoming. I have also developed lifelong friends that I interact with to this day, as well as professors that I always look forward to conversing with. As a student at Mount I was involved in Campus Crusade for Christ, 黑人学生会, Student Senate and Residence Life. I also completed my practicum and student teaching experience at Alliance High School. I believe that bits of all of these experiences prepared me for my career by teaching me to be a lifelong learner. 


For the past 24 years I have worked with high school aged students preparing them for their postsecondary endeavors. I have also assisted students as they navigate their high school experiences. I focus primarily on areas of social/emotional, career and academic support. I currently serve as lead 辅导员 for East Chapel Hill High School in North Carolina. I love that my job allows me to interact with and most importantly help students and their families achieve their dreams and aspirations.